都柏林招一人代送代取文件(页 1) - 爱尔兰留学生华人论坛 - 留学生论坛·爱在欧洲

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twtfh 发表于 2016-12-2 16:16


1. we send a company document to you
2. you go to our notary in Dublin to get the document notarized.
3. You go to department of foreign affairs of trade in Dublin to get the document legislated.
4. you go to the Chinese Embassy in Dublin to get the document recognized
5. you go to the Chinese Embassy to fetch the document.
6. you send the document per post to us.   
4 times x 2 hours = 8 hours  in total.

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格子村·爱在欧洲 | Email:loveateurope#gmail.com(#换成@)

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