《旅途脚印》| 无穷——索达吉堪布(页 1) - 地中海 - 留学生论坛·爱在欧洲

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圆嘉 发表于 2016-7-7 14:53

《旅途脚印》| 无穷——索达吉堪布

无穷 | Without End
The Buddha says all sentient beings have previously been our own mothers and fathers. Many people find this teaching improbable and impossible. Putting aside the argument about the existence of past lives, even if it were true, how could we ever exhaust all sentient beings, as their number is simply innumerable?
However, the conclusions reached by the ordinary sense faculties—our eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and consciousness—are not valid in the ultimate sense. The King of Concentration Sutra says:
Eyes, ears, and nose are not valid instruments of discernment,
Nor are tongue, body, and consciousness reliable.
Should their perceptions be true,
Whom should the holy Doctrines benefit?
It is only with supreme wisdom that the true nature of all phenomena will be revealed. Without relying on Buddha’s profound insight, no amount of ordinary conceptual thinking is able to discern the essence of myriad appearances.
Likewise, the notion of time without beginning is difficult to grasp using the six faculties of ordinary being. In Letter to a Friend, The sublime Nagarjuna says: “Should the bones we had through our past lives be piled up, they would be as high as Mt. Meru. Should we try to count our bodies with balls of clay the size of juniper berries, we would run out of earth to count.” Since beginning-less time we have had incalculable lives throughout samsara, the number of times that we had relations of affection, enmity, or indifference with every other being is also countless. The Sages’ Nirvana Sutra says: “Were this great earth made into little pellets as big as a pea to count the number of times someone had been my father and mother, the whole earth would be used up before I could finish counting.”
Hence, until we have thoroughly studied and reflected upon the Buddha’s teachings, we should definitely refrain from making reckless remarks. A wise man will choose not to draw any conclusion until he has carefully reviewed the sutras and shastras.
16th of February, Year of RenWu
March 29, 2002

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