比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学化学材料工程硕士专业(页 1) - 比利时留学生论坛 - 留学生论坛·爱在欧洲

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VUB 发表于 2011-5-17 00:01


比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学工程学双硕士学位MSc in Chemical and Materials Engineering2010年荷语布鲁塞尔自由大学 Vrije Universiteit Brussel与法语布鲁塞尔自由大学Université Libre de Bruxelles 联合成立布鲁塞尔工学部 Bruface (Brussels Faculty of Engineering),并于2011-2012年度联合推出全英文授课的工程学双硕士学位,包括以下四个专业:
-建筑工程硕士MSc in Architectural Engineering
-化学材料工程硕士MSc in Chemical and Materials Engineering (Options Materials and Process Technology)
-土木工程硕士MSc in Civil Engineering
-机械电子工程硕士MSc in Electromechanical Engineering (Options Aeronautics, Energy, Mechatronics-Construction and Vehicle Technology and Transport
更多 Bruface 双硕士专业信息,请参阅官方网站 http://www.bruface.eu

MSc in Chemical and Materials Engineering (Options Materials, Process Technology)

Program description

The MSc in Chemical and Materials Engineering has as a general aim to educate and form skilled scientific engineers who can bring an added value to all fields and facets of our society. The master programme contains 2 profiles (minors): Materials Science and Process Technology. The profile of Process Technology aims at training engineers in process and biotechnology. They can function both in production units (to operate and optimize production facilities) and in engineering groups (to develop new production units). Also in the environmental sector, these engineers are trained to identify, solve and avoid environmental problems. The integrated insights with materials' technology give these engineers a unique combination of knowledge and skills enabling them to function most efficiently and multidisciplinary. The profile of Materials Science aims at training engineers in a broad field of materials and materials technology. These engineers can function both in production and in development sectors for the various types of materials.

Course outline

1st Year - common courses

Unit operations

Parameter estimation & modeling

Surface treatment: processing & analysis

Chemical analysis and structural characterization

Organic chemistry: reactivity


Polymer materials

Inorganic materials

Environmental technology


Option Materials Science

1st Year - specific courses


Mechanics of materials

Production of metals

Project: multifunctional materials

2nd Year - specific courses

Forming of metals

Polymers: rheology and processing

Sustainability of materials (incl corrosion)

Reliability and safety


Master thesis

2nd Year - optional courses

Advanced thermal analysis

High resolution NMR

Innovation in construction materials

Downstream processing

Micro- and nanobiotechnology

Industrial traineeship

Option Process Technology

1st Year - specific courses

Design of multiphase (bio)reactors

Fundamental aspects of instrumentation

Heterogeneous catalysis

2nd Year - specific courses

Design of chemical plants

Simulation and design tools

(Bio)Chemical process design and control


Master thesis

2nd Year - optional courses

Advanced thermal analysis

High resolution NMR

Innovation in construction materials

Downstream processing

Micro- and nanobiotechnology

Industrial traineeship



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