比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学土木工程硕士专业(页 1) - 比利时留学生论坛 - 留学生论坛·爱在欧洲

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VUB 发表于 2011-5-17 00:00


比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学工程学双硕士学位MSc in Civil Engineering2010年荷语布鲁塞尔自由大学 Vrije Universiteit Brussel与法语布鲁塞尔自由大学Université Libre de Bruxelles 联合成立布鲁塞尔工学部 Bruface (Brussels Faculty of Engineering),并于2011-2012年度联合推出全英文授课的工程学双硕士学位,包括以下四个专业:
-建筑工程硕士MSc in Architectural Engineering
-化学材料工程硕士MSc in Chemical and Materials Engineering (Options Materials and Process Technology)
-土木工程硕士MSc in Civil Engineering
-机械电子工程硕士MSc in Electromechanical Engineering (Options Aeronautics, Energy, Mechatronics-Construction and Vehicle Technology and Transport
更多 Bruface 双硕士专业信息,请参阅官方网站 http://www.bruface.eu
MSc in Civil Engineering
Program description
The MSc in Civil Engineering aims to develop an in-depth understanding of the main aspects of analysis and design of all kinds of advanced load-bearing constructions, as well as of material technology.
The main objectives of this master programme are to develop an in-depth understanding of the main aspects of analysis and design of all kinds of advanced load-bearing constructions, as well as of material technology. Important issues hereby are the optimization of the form of the structure, the selection of the materials and the construction method in terms of mechanical properties, environmental impact, life cycle cost and sustainability. Both conventional reinforced and pre-stressed concrete or steel structures and systems in novel materials (fibre reinforced, cellular, hybrids...) are hereby considered.
Course outline
1st Year courses

Design of concrete structures
Design of steel structures
Experimental techniques for testing, NDT and structural health monitoring
Form-active structures
Mechanics of composite materials
Structural analysis and finite elements
Sustainable design and adaptable structures
Capita selecta in civil engineering research
Dynamics of structures
Multidisciplinary project
Non-linear modelling of structures
Soil-structure interactions
2nd Year courses
Advanced computational structural mechanics
Design studio architecture and structures
Environmental design of concrete structures
Form-finding & structural optimisation
Inelastic design of structures
Innovation in construction materials
Prestressed concrete
Parametric design of structures
Master thesis
Optional courses
Optional courses
Architectural engineering and construction project management
Design of thin walled structures
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
Human resources management
Soil mechanics
Workshop lightweight structures
申请程序: http://www.bruface.eu/EN/How_to_Apply/

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