《旅途脚印》| 关键——索达吉堪布(页 1) - 地中海 - 留学生论坛·爱在欧洲

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圆嘉 发表于 2016-5-3 12:38

《旅途脚印》| 关键——索达吉堪布

关键 | Key Points
When it comes to practicing Dharma, many people either lack enthusiasm or run out of steam. Such obstacles occur because of their inability to relinquish mundane concerns. Zen Buddhism also stresses giving up earthly affairs, as disenchantment to the world arises, accomplishment is reached with ease.
Geshe Potowa says: “Clinging to mundane affairs of this life may seem comforting in the beginning, but eventually it will become a tight binding rope. A spiritual seeker should cut off attachment to this life with the sword of wisdom; the teaching that teaches you to do so is the best one.” Nowadays, some famous practitioners may talk days on end about prana wind, bindo, or other high trainings, but due to a lack of contemplation and analysis, they scarcely renounce the secular world. Talking about lofty and impractical practices makes no sense; it is better to work sincerely to eradicate clinging to this world. To a person on the brink of dying from hunger, merely showing him piles of gold, silver, and other treasures is of no avail in saving him. It’s the same case here.
The crucial point in doing any practice is to grasp its essence. On the other hand, devoting all one’s energy to favoring friends and relatives, to overcoming enemies, or to amassing wealth, is not a bit of wisdom. Geshe Potowa also says: “One who does not put the teaching into actual practice is not different from animals, no matter how well this person might have done in study and reflection.” In terms of survival, animals possess skills rivaling those of humans. To deal with snakes, the sand lizard is capable of plotting to bite back at the snake; crows and monkeys also know how to take revenge for insults among themselves. Compared to the skill of mice in amassing possessions, even the scrooges among humans have to take a back seat; many animals are very adept in raising their offspring. Born as human beings, how can we be willing to equate ourselves to animals? Therefore, we should know the keys to practice.
Reverent Master Hui Yuan of Dong Lin Temple, one of the main seats of the Pure Land School, served well as the model of abandoning worldly trifles. A powerful chief Huan Xuan tried to persuade him to give up ordination and advised that he should “realize one’s mistakes and mend one’s ways.” When being enticed with a high government position and the pleasure of fame and wealth, the Zen master wrote to reply: “The glory of this life flashes like lightning, whatever comes together is bound to depart. Are these things worth chasing after? How confused are men of shortsightedness! When these people of lesser acumen hear Dharma teachings, they can only respond with silly laughs. This is exactly the case of ‘not realizing the mistakes nor mending the ways’.” His noble integrity—neither yielding to powerful forces nor caring about prestige and money—is really amazing. It deserves our highest respect!
Alas, this world is filled with too many smart alecks but way too few genuine practitioners of the Buddhadharma!
29th of January, Year of RenWu
March 12, 2002

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