伦敦租房小伙伴求室友(页 1) - 英国留学生论坛 - 留学生论坛·爱在欧洲

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Chaaaaarlotte 发表于 2014-11-23 12:36


luxurious, modern & brand new 3 bedroom flat in 3 merchant square,Paddington
spacious flat (200多平) with kitchen,living room, 3 double bedroom all with balcony
Very modern. From the lift to the light, air conditioner, speaker, there's even a controller to choose how bright you would the light be!
Luxurious bathroom
Even a wine storage space!
其余冰箱, 洗衣机就不一一赘述了, 总之可以拎包入住!
24/7 porter, security
Your key in the lift can only lead to your floor, very safe!
Cinema! lounge! roof terrace in the ground floor, imagine a private cinema night with your friends in your place!
400一周 每人
欲住从速!请联系 happysun0302@hotmail.com

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