意大利学生签证(页 1) - 移民 投资移民 买房移民 居留 永居 - 留学生论坛·爱在欧洲

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巴塞小帮手 发表于 2022-2-3 12:30


Student Visa

Every year the Ministry of Education, University and Research of Italy publishes the rules for the access of foreign students to university courses. The request for an entry visa for reasons of study in Italy must be made to the competent Italian Consulate in your country of origin.
对于需要旅游签证进入申根区的外国人,在意大利学习需要签证。另一方面,一个国家的公民免于申根签证最多可停留 90 天,因此只有在学习停留时间超过 90 天时才需要签证。
For foreigners who need a tourist visa to enter the Schengen area, a visa is required to study in Italy. On the other hand, citizens of a country exempted from the Schengen visa for stays of up to 90 days, so a visa is only required if the study stay will last for more than 90 days.
学习居留许可允许每 180 天最多 90 天前往其他申根国家。
The residence permit for study gives the right to travel to other Schengen countries up to a maximum of 90 days every 180 days.
学习居留许可允许您每周最多从事 20 小时的兼职工作,即使是全年,但每年不超过 1,040 小时。
The residence permit for study allows you to carry out part-time work for a maximum of 20 hours per week, even for the whole year and for no more than 1,040 hours per year.
在进入意大利后的 8 天内,外国学生必须向居住城市主管警察总部的移民办公室申请 Permesso di Soggiorno。Permesso di Soggiorno 是使外国人在意大利的存在合法化的头衔,必须在其到期前续签。
Within 8 days of entering Italy, the foreign student must apply for a Permesso di Soggiorno to the Immigration Office of the Police Headquarters competent for the Municipality of residence. The Permesso di Soggiorno is the title that legitimizes the foreigner's presence in Italy and must be renewed before its expiry.
意大利政府和中国政府之间的协议允许在意大利大学、音乐学院或美术学院预先注册,参加意大利语预科课程的条件下,为学习目的的入境签证提供便利在意大利大学,至少持续 10 个月,并在最终国家考试中取得最低分数。这些是马可波罗和图兰朵项目。
The agreement between the Italian Government and the Chinese Government allows the facilitated issuance of the entry visa for study purposes on condition of pre-registration at the Italian Universities, Conservatories of Music or Academies of Fine Arts, enrollment in the preparatory course of Italian language organized at Italian universities with a minimum duration of 10 months and a minimum score in the final state exam. These are the Marco Polo and Turandot projects.
At the moment, the issuance of visas for study purposes to the Chinese is allowed.
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