人在德国医药贸易公司, 很高兴认识大家(页 1) - 外贸进出口贸易 海外商机 - 留学生论坛·爱在欧洲

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德国药剂师 发表于 2020-5-22 09:14

人在德国医药贸易公司, 很高兴认识大家

大家好, 我在德国的一家医药批发贸易公司, 可以提供德国非处方药以及保健品的批发和直邮代发.  非常高兴认识大家. 有这方面需求的请和我联系

梧桐 发表于 2020-5-22 14:15


121314 发表于 2020-5-27 10:57

你好你好你好  专业进口清关  欢迎咨询了解

苏东旭 发表于 2021-3-25 12:14

We have great sincerity to write to you for potential business cooperation.
I am Justin Su representing Sunbeams Biomedical Science Limited, a specialized sourcing in China and supply test kit to Hong Kong’s laboratories and clinics.
As spread of COVID-19, we are promoting one Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Card, which you may some interest in. In addition to this, we have large range of Covid-19 test support if you need more supports. For example, PCR test kit, extraction machines and extraction reagent.
Attached please find the copy of our latest catalog. We look forward to successful working relationship in the future.
Sunbeams Biomedical Science Limited
Tel: +852 2638 2585  Fax: +852 2638 2586  
Room 2401 -2404, Fu Fai Commercial Centre, 27 Hillier Street, SheungWan,HK

苏东旭 发表于 2021-3-25 12:17

We have great sincerity to write to you for potential business cooperation.
I am Justin Su representing Sunbeams Biomedical Science Limited, a specialized sourcing in China and supply test kit to Hong Kong’s laboratories and clinics.
As spread of COVID-19, we are promoting one Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Card, which you may some interest in. In addition to this, we have large range of Covid-19 test support if you need more supports. For example, PCR test kit, extraction machines and extraction reagent.
Attached please find the copy of our latest catalog. We look forward to successful working relationship in the future.
Sunbeams Biomedical Science Limited
Tel: +852 2638 2585  Fax: +852 2638 2586  
Room 2401 -2404, Fu Fai Commercial Centre, 27 Hillier Street, SheungWan,HK

小丽2021 发表于 2021-12-29 14:55

回复 1# 德国药剂师

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格子村·爱在欧洲 | Email:loveateurope#gmail.com(#换成@)

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