新概念英语二册语法:一般现在时(页 1) - 留学中介 - 英语预科 - 留学生论坛·爱在欧洲

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看见的幸福 发表于 2020-5-7 06:57







  carry → carries

  (3)以“o, s, x, ch, sh”结尾的动词加“es”

  goesdresses watches brushes



  eg: . Birds fly.

  . Sheloves music.

  . Mary'sparents get up very early.

  (2)表习惯性动作或职业,常与often,sometimes,usually,always,every week,seldom,occasionally,frequently等时间副词连用。

  eg: . I always take a walk after supper.

  . She writesto me very often.

  . Tom andhis girlfriend go out to take a picnic occasionally.


  . Theearth moves round the sun.

  . The sunrises in the east and sets in the west.

  . Two andtwo makes four.

  . No manbut errs. 人非圣贤,熟能无过。


  A.在由when,after, before,as,as soon as,although,because,if,even if,in case,till,until,unless,

  so long as,where,whatever,wherever等引导的状语从句中用一般现在时表将来发生的动作。


  例如: . I'lltell her when shecomes tomorrow.

  . Evenifit rains this afternoon, I'll meet you.

  . Whateverhappens, you should keep cool-headed. (不错的句型,背下!!)

  . I'll beright here waiting for you wherever you go.(很感人的句型!)


  . The playbegins at 6:30 this evening.

  . Whendoes the plane take off?

  . Heleaves for that city next week.

  .According to the timetable, the express train toShanghai starts at nine in the morning.

  (按照时刻表,开往上海的特快列车早上 7 点出发。)


  1. TheBrowns ________ a nice car and Brown's brother ________ a nice jeep.

  A. have /have B. has / has C. have / has D. has / have

  2. Iftheir house ________ not like ours, what ________ itlook like?

  A. is / isB. is / does C. does / does D. does / is

  3. -________ you think he will come? - If it ________tomorrow, he will not come.

  A. Do /rains B. Are / rains C. Do / will rain D. Are / will rain

  4. Thelittle child ________ not even know that the moon ________ around the earth.

  A. do /move B. do / moves C. does / moves D. did / moved

  5. Many astudent ________ fond of films, but a good studentseldom ________ to the cinema

  A. are /goes B. is / goes C. are / go D. is / go


  1.C 2.B3.A 4.C 5.B

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