(急)在丹麦奥尔堡大学或者已经申请了的大大们进~~(页 1) - 丹麦留学生华人论坛 - 留学生论坛·爱在欧洲

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linyinche 发表于 2013-3-22 03:38


小女国内211本科 环境工程 申请今年EM的JEMES CiSu 项目 是四国联合培养的硕士项目 其中有丹麦的奥尔堡大学 我想知道这个大学在丹麦怎么样?因为我同时得到了米国大学的AD 正在犹豫是去欧洲还是米国 求建议~~感激不尽~~~~~

linyinche 发表于 2013-3-22 16:54


linyinche 发表于 2013-3-24 03:56


梧桐 发表于 2013-3-24 04:51


linyinche 发表于 2013-3-24 15:03

回复 4# 梧桐

梧桐 发表于 2013-3-24 17:26


梧桐 发表于 2013-3-25 03:22

    我院将于2013年9月起正式启动与丹麦Aalborg大学合作的短期交流项目。该项目依托于JEMES-CiSu项目(Joint European Master in Environmental Studies-Cities & Sustainability),为两院间学生联合培养与学者短期交流提供平台。
    教师短期交流可申请欧盟经费支持(€ 1200/周)。
附件2:Sub-agreement betweent BNU and AAU_example
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities & Sustainability (JEMES CiSu) between School of Environment, Beijing Normal University and Aalborg University, Denmark
1.  Statement of Purpose:
To promote international friendship and sustainable urban development, and stimulating and supporting intercultural activities and projects among international students and to promote good will between the two institutions.
2.  Student Programs:
a. Postgraduate students from both BNU and AAU could apply for a maximum of three to six months of research or course study at the host institution under the direction of local scholars.
b. The exchange program is dedicated to professional development and will enable students to appreciate theoretical reflective work practice and challenges and to demonstrate proficiency in innovation and integration processes as well as management and implementation of technological and organisational change projects.
c. The program must be carried out under a sub-agreement which includes program content, credit requirement, responsibilities of joint advisors, status of student, finance, travel and accommodation mutually agreed by the student’s supervisors (home and host institution) and program coordinators. The supervisors cooperate on the above mentioned subjects.
d. Both partner institutions keep the final authority right to terminate or suspend the exchange for individual student if s/he disobeys the regulation or instruction of the host institution during the exchange.
e. The maximum number of students who may participate in the exchange program in each year will be 8 from each institution.
3.  Scholar exchange:
2– 4 weeks scholar exchanges at Aalborg University, Denmark. Give lectures, supervise students, participate in exams, develop joint research/applications, etc.
Scholarship could be apply from the European commission: € 1,200 per week.
4.  General:
a: Each student must undertake in writing to comply with the regulations of the host institution and with the instructions given by his or her advisor/tutor.
b: Each exchange student will be required to have health coverage that meets the requirements of the host university in accordance with its normal requirements for full-time matriculated students.
c: Each student and scholar must possess passports and required visas for the period of exchange.
5. More details and information of appropriate scholars for cooperation in this exchange program would visit website of JEMES program: www.jemes.eu/pages/teaching.php
6.  Contact information:
School of Environment,
Beijing Normal University
Prof. Xu Linyu: xly@bnu.edu.cn
Shu Xin: shuxin2009@mail.bnu.edu.cn
Aalborg University, Denmark
Prof. Martin Lehmann: martinl@plan.aau.dk
Zhang Jie: jasmine@plan.aau.dk

linyinche 发表于 2013-3-25 08:39

回复 7# 梧桐

梧桐 发表于 2013-3-26 02:13


linyinche 发表于 2013-3-26 03:03

回复 9# 梧桐

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