Available room in Station Court, London(页 1) - 英国留学生论坛 - 留学生论坛·爱在欧洲

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亞龍 发表于 2019-9-1 15:31

Available room in Station Court, London

I have a room in Station Court London for about 185pound a week. It is a full-year booking, that means it will last 51 weeks, starting from september the 14th, so all in all 9450 pounds the year. It includes a kitchen pack with 20 items such as pots, plates etc. and a bedding pack. Commuting to London centre will take about 20min. If you are interested, you can take over my tenancy agreement, which would help me a lot, as I would have to pay the full rent even though I won't be living there. Feel free to ask for any further information! Perfect for anyone who Needs a place to live while studying in London

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格子村·爱在欧洲 | Email:loveateurope#gmail.com(#换成@)

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