有关新概念三册句子解析(页 1) - 留学中介 - 英语预科 - 留学生论坛·爱在欧洲

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游学天地路 发表于 2018-6-20 15:48


  【课文例句5】: Editors of newspapers and magazines often go toextremes to provide their readers with unimportant facts and statistics.
  【例句精析】:go toextremes ( to do sth) 走极端;事情做绝了;事情做过分了
  上述例句翻译为“报纸杂志的编辑往往为了向读者提供一些无关紧要的事实和数据而走向极端”;我们可以从“go to extremes”这一短语进一步归纳出其他类似的短语:go to the other / opposite extreme 走向另一个极端
  【例句拓展】:1) 那位班长为了博得老师的欢心把事情都做绝了,以至于班上的每个人都恨他。
  The monitor goes to such extremes to get the teacher’sappreciation that everyone in the class hates him now.
  The book is not very good, but those critics have gone to extremes,saying that it is the worst one in the history.
  3) 这种事情很少发生,因为我们这里气候很少会发生异常
  This is rare occurrence as our climate seldom goes to extremes. (新概念第三册,L56)
  4) 我总是说你缺乏锻炼,但你也没有必要走向另一个极端啊。
  I always say that you do too little physical exercises, but there is noneed for you to go to the other / opposite extreme.

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