采集人数: 俄罗斯1000人,每人三段自拍视频。 男女比例1:1(至少4,6比) 年龄:年龄尽量均衡,不要集中在某个年龄段
采集要求: 环境:最好是类似室内窗边的光照环境(如条件允许,200人在室内较暗的空间中采集) 摄像头:手机前置摄像头(正常录制,无美颜)
采集内容 动作一:打开录制视频,将手机从桌上拿起,手机离脸半臂到一臂距离,握着手机绕脸一圈,然 后手机正对脸部拉远、拉近。(主要手臂在动)
动作二:打开录制视频,将手机从桌上拿起,手机离脸半臂到一臂距离,面对手机做点头摇头与 头部转圈,最后以一个平时使用手机的姿势自然原地转一圈,结束。(主要人在动)
动作三:打开录制视频,正脸状态下依次做 嘟嘴、大张嘴、皱眉三个表情,完成后在视频末尾随 意做各种有趣、搞怪的表情,表情动作不做具体要求但要有。
1. 注意动作一,二需需要包含“将手机从桌上拿起”动作,模拟人拿起手机用手机的动作。
2. 动作一二的主要区别是:动作一人不动手臂在动,动作二手臂不动人动。
3. 动作一与动作二不要站在完全一样的地方完成,即背景有点变化。
验收标准: 人脸清晰完整、无美颜。 动作完整到位。 自己完成,非视频翻拍等。
人种: 目前最高优先级是俄罗斯人,其次是东南亚和非洲,非洲的越黑越好(埃塞俄比亚、坦桑尼亚、肯尼 亚、尼日尔,尼日利亚)。再其次是南美(墨西哥、巴西、阿根廷)
Number of persons: 1000, each with 3 videos Ratio of genders: 50% : 50% (at worst 60% : 40%) Age Distribution: All ages needed (10 ~ 80), do not only collect from young people.
Requirements: Environment (illumination condition): Recommend places indoor near a window, or places with similar brightness. (If possible, it is better that there are 200 people take videos indoor with dark environment.) Camera: Front camera of a Mobile Phone (Normal mode, MUST NOT use Beauty mode)
Actions: Action 1: Start video recording, keep your face in the canvas, take the phone from a desk. Keep the phone from your face at a distance of about 30~50cm, move the phone around your face. Keep the phone in front of your face, move farther and closer.
Action 2: Start video recording, keep your face in the canvas, take the phone from a desk. Keep the phone from your face at a distance of about 30~50cm, shake your head and move your head in a circle. Take the phone naturally, rotate your body in place.
Action 3: Start video recording, keep the phone in front of your face. Do the following emotions: 1) Duck Face; 2) Open your mouth as large as possible; 3) Frown and Tower nose. After these, do any emotions that you think is interesting, no special requirements.
Attentions: 4. Action 1 and Action 2 contain the part ‘take the phone from a desk’. It can be anything like desk, simulating action that people take phones. 5. In Action 1, your face does not move , but your arm is moving; In Action 2, your face is moving, but your arm does not move. 6. Do not take videos in the same place, make your backgrounds different.