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娜斯佳 发表于 2017-11-10 04:27


azoz 发表于 2017-11-12 04:38


娜斯佳 发表于 2017-11-10 04:27

令人想起了:By the early 800s, the ruling elite of the Islamic empire were pouring money into a truly ambitious project, which was global in scale and which was to have a profound impact on science. It was to scour (!) the libraries of the world for scientific and philosophical manuscripts in any language, Greek, Syriac, Persian and Sanskrit, bring them to the empire and translate them into Arabic. This became known as the translation movement.

azoz 发表于 2017-11-12 06:57

回复 1# 娜斯佳
By the early 800s, the ruling elite of the Islamic empire were pouring money into a truly ambitious project, which was global in scale and which was to have a profound impact on science. It was to scour (!) the libraries of the world for scientific and philosophical manuscripts in any language, Greek, Syriac, Persian and Sanskrit, bring them to the empire and translate them into Arabic. This became known as the translation movement.
Contact: dawn890405@gmail.com

azoz 发表于 2017-11-12 07:02

回复 1# 娜斯佳
By the early 800s, the ruling elite of the Islamic empire were pouring money into a truly ambitious project, which was global in scale and which was to have a profound impact on science. It was to scour (!) the libraries of the world for scientific and philosophical manuscripts in any language, Greek, Syriac, Persian and Sanskrit, bring them to the empire and translate them into Arabic. This became known as the translation movement.
GMail Contact: dawn890405

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